September 17, 2009

Just one year...

It's hard to believe the year is already gone.
I look back at what was last year, and what's now....
I see my friend, the best shidduch-kvetcher ever - we're shopping, of course. Then we go out for slurpee... Well she's married now. and she's b'h expecting.
There's another friend. She was also single - she now carries a ring and sheitel with pride.
And what about Plonit? she's engaged. And that one? she just had her second baby...
Did any of them ever think this would actually happen to them over the year? they all hoped and dreamt about it, but that it actually would happen? i'll never know.
But one thing i know is that my hopes are all still alive.
Rosh Hashanah is now here, I must let the voice of those hopes and dream speak up. One can never guess the impact our תפילות have on our life.
May this coming year be full of good things,
כתיבה וחתימה טובה to you all!

September 1, 2009

The laminating machine

Thanx to Freeda for such an amazing Mashal!

Laminating paper can prevent it from becoming creased, wrinkled, stained, smudged, or simply said, ruined. Day camp/school projects, licenses, credit cards... all those are laminated for a guaranteed longer life-span.

Ever watched a laminating machine operate?
Press the "run" button, and the wheels begin to spin. Both rolls of plastic come forward, merging and melting into one.
You have to insert the sheet in between the two layers of plastic before they meet, and you then get a beautiful and long lasting document.
Even if nothing is inserted, the wheels continue to roll, the plastics continue to melt together - but there's only emptiness in between. It emerges from the machine as a useless piece of plastic, plastic that was forever wasted.

The machine is our life.
As soon as we're born, the wheels start rolling, and time, the 2 layers of plastic film go through the heat, the moment we are presently in. There's unlimited potential that we can fill the space in between the plastics with, and remember, whatever we put in there, stays forever.
However, the wheels don't ever stop. If we fail to insert quality and value - whether through actions, speech or anything else - before the plastics merge, our time goes to waste.
As soon as today turns into yesterday, as soon as the present becomes the past, there's no turning back.
Whatever is empty remains that way. Whatever time isn't used can no longer help us, no longer serve a purpose. It remains lost, useless for all eternity.

It's up to us to make sure we use our time wisely, and fill it with meaningful and everlasting deeds.