June 28, 2009

Stuck in traffic?

(This one's not mine. heard it from a friend.)

You're on your way home from work, on your way to a store, or maybe going to visit someone, and you're stuck in bumper-to-bumper traffic... Looking out the window, you notice the cars going the other way flying by.... and you think maybe you should go in that lane, because there's no traffic there... but if you'd drive in that lane, you'd actually be going in the wrong direction...

Your friends got engaged first, had babies first, or are already making a bar mitzva, while you're still at the previous stage... Don't forget that if you'd be going in their "lane" you'd also be going in the wrong direction...

June 23, 2009

Car rental

You rent a car, and tell them you'll be staying in New York. No going out of the state.
But then you realize you need to go to Philly for something, and to Baltimore (isn't it next door?), so in the car you get, and off you go...
When the time comes to give the car back, you go there, all confident and proud that you thought of putting all the miles on that car, and anyway they're only charging for instate rental... The guy prints out something from his computer, and calls you over. Didn't you rent the car for New York only? I did, you answer. And he shows you the sheet he's holding so carefully: a very detailled itinerary and schedule of your trips the past week....
When the time comes for us to return our neshamah to Hashem, we won't be able to hide anything from Him... He'll be able to show us a full "itinerary and schedule" of our life and we will have to give full cheshbon on all of it....

June 11, 2009

He's watching me...

You know those parental control programs for internet usage?
Where parents get to see everything their children do while online?
Well recently, someone told me that they got it for their computer, as a precaution for themselves, their children and anyone else who would use it.
This means that if anyone does anything online on that computer, they get a fully detailled report of each site that was visited.
Personally, I wouldn't use their computer to go online, not because I would do something bad or inappropriate, but just because of the thought that they could see everything I do.
But the truth is, Hashem is also watching every single thing I say, do, and think, and that's not only while I'm at the computer. It should bother me just as much - at least, if not more - and I should act accordingly.

June 9, 2009


A few years back, one of my teachers taught us that everything in the materialistic world is a mashal to something in the spiritual one.
We learnt more about it in a sefer - sorry, but I do not remember which one it was - and i really liked that concept.
She kind of trained us in to looking for different mashalim regarding everything physical, and I just thought I'd share them with whoever's interested....
So enjoy, and don't forget to comment!

p.s. not all posts will be mashalim, some may be just random thoughts that i feel are worth sharing...