October 13, 2009

One among many

Many new and seasoned drivers fear highway driving. In reality many drivers, including myself, find it easier than driving in congested urban areas with stop and go traffic or rural roads that have numerous blind turns and other hazards. Highway driving seems more disciplined and has fewer obstacles or variables such as pedestrians, traffic lights, cars running stop signs through an intersection...
And highway driving gives you time to think :)

So many cars on the road, in different size, shape and color. Look at the license plates… from all over the country. Some cars have been on the road for just a few hours, others a day or two – some are about to exit, others have a long stretch ahead.. and I? I just got on, and have another 60 miles to go before my next highway.

Although we drivers are driving different vehicles, come from different places and don’t necessarily share a destination, we are still using the same main road. And on that road, we have to conform to certain rules. Safe seating arrangements, speed limit - not too slow, not too fast - no reckless driving… there’s a certain flow to follow. However, there is no U-turn on a highway; therefore, we must not forget to get off at the correct exit.

Always remember: we are all unique. We each have our own starting point and our own goal.

We must never lose sight of our destination.


itsagift said...

Welcome back! I missed your posts!

Wow - what a great mashal! And to take it one step further, we, as Jews, are all trying to get to one place - olam haba. Although after our time is up on the road (olam hazeh), we will all end up at a different destination (a different level of olam habah), we all are trying to use the same highway (olam hazeh). And by keeping the rules that will keep us safe(the torah)!!

Freeda said...

Great mashal!
Another point- scenic routes are nice. Enjoy the beautiful views, after all, you're passing them anyway, may as well. But don't get too hooked on them. Take in those sights while keeping your eyes on the road ahead of you or you risk running off the road. In life, we have gashmius, it's here for a reason, Hashem wants us to enjoy His world. However we must remember where we're going or we may find ourselves off the road..

Something Different said...

Great mashal, and really well written.

Good job!

thinking out loud said...

IAG - thanx! i decided not to let myself get pressured if i don't post for a few days or more..
And thanx for the continuation of the mashal :)

Freeda - nice, thanx for sharing!

SD - thx