July 25, 2009

Tisha B'av

We all know we're supposed to be sad on Tisha B'av. But why are we sad?

Are we sad because the Bais Hamikdash was destroyed? Or are we sad because it wasn't rebuilt yet?

I would say it's a mix of both.
We know that if the Bais Hamikdash is not rebuilt in one's times it's as if it was destroyed then. So by mourning the fact it wasn't rebuilt, we're also grieveing the fact it was destroyed.

What do you think?


smb said...

I think it's probably both also

Something Different said...

Wouldn't you say the two go hand in hand? We mourn the loss of the bais hamikdash, as well as the lack of one today. When mashiach comes, tisha b'av will be a yom tov, which means that we will no longer mourn the distruction of the first and second batei mikdash.
(Does this make sense? :-/ )

itsagift said...

Here's something amazing that I heard/read/learned:
We are mourning the loss of the bais hamikdosh and the result of it, which is a lack of clarity. Now that we don't have the bais hamikdosh, we are so confused about what is right and wrong. If you look around the world and see all those people who are so far away from yiddishkeit - where does it all come from? It's all a result of the destruction of Hashem's house! Since we don't have the bais hamikdosh, we don't have that extreme closeness and connection to Hashem and that is why we sin...this is something to mourn! This is why we cry! We cry for all those Jews who don't know what it means to live a life of Torah and true beauty! We cry for those children who don't understand how lucky they are to grow up as frum Jews and are so quick to throw it away! Because if we had the bais hamikdosh, there would be CLARITY in the world and everyone would understand and know that we are soo lucky to live such a beautiful life of Torah!!

thinking out loud said...

LV - i also thought it made sense :)

SD - so you basically agree with us....

IAG - thanx for sharing that!

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