July 31, 2009

Back to life...

That's it, the fast is over.
The nine days, the three weeks are all but a part of the past.
Now it's time for laundry, music, swimming activities, fleishig suppers… in short, back to life.

But what do we take with us?
Can we just go ahead without one glance in the past?
Without carrying ahead the lessons we've learnt?
The yearning for Geulah, the working on ourselves… wasn't it all real just yesterday?

It was. And it hopefully still is.
It's up to us to make sure we keep it up, even while getting back to our "regular" life.
And hopefully, next Tisha b'Av will be a real yom tov.


Something Different said...

It's so true. I felt guilty turning on music the minute chatzos had passed...after all, it's not like the beis hamikdash was rebuilt, it's not like we are no longer in galus... We should always remember that even when Tisha b'av is over we are still in galus, still awaiting redemption.

thinking out loud said...

SD - I'm no tzadekes. I also turned on the music rite after chatzos.
We shouldn't forget that we are in Galus, and should work on ourselves to reach the end of it but I don't think we're supposed to live like an Avel throughout the year - there is a reason why we have 3 weeks dedicated to mourning the destruction of the Bais Hamikdash.

Something Different said...

I know I shouldn't be in mourning all year, but I forced myself to wait a half hour after chatzos, to remind myself that we are still in galus, and the bais hamikdash hasn't been rebuilt yet.... After all, Kol dor she'aino nivneh....

itsagift said...

That's also what shabbos nachamu is all about - Hashem lets us know that even though we've been through so much pain, the ultimate nechama will come - Moshiach! And hopefully soon!
Shabbos nachamu is all about comfort...may we each feel Hashem comforting us in these hard times!

Freeda said...

gosh, I love ur blog, just what I'm missing in my life. A good dose of a healthy perspective. Someone speaking my thoughts out loud.

thinking out loud said...

thx freeda...
my "name" is not "thinking out loud" for no reason ;)

Freeda said...

didn't even realize- lol