August 21, 2009

It's never too late

The following is a concept that we often learn about in school, and is very appropriate to today - Rosh Chodesh Elul.
Since I got a personal reminder about it this morning, I figured I'd share it with everyone.

My alarm clock rang once, twice, three times and more this morning...
I woke up at the first shot, and of course hit the snooze button right away, turned over, and went back to selep.
Twenty minutes later, I woke up again, and did the exact same thing.
My alarm clock rang every 9 minutes for 50 minutes, and only then did I wake up again, and finally jumped out of bed.
I had to rush a bit, but I b"h made it to work on time.
Imagine if I would've just said "oh well, i didnt wake up on time, ill just stay in bed for the day, because it's anyways too late"...
Doesn't really makes sense, does it?
So all it was, that I had to rush myself. and the longer I stay in bed, the more I have to rush to get to work on time, which means more work on my part.

How often do we feel that we are so rooted in bad habits, that there's no chance for us to do a real Teshuvah, and get out of it?
We might wake up late about it, but it's never too late.
And the later we wake up about it, the more we have to work on ourselves to get out of it, but it's still never too late.


Freeda said...

I do the same about snoozing, a good many of us do, just not all like to admit it. However, I have given up on occasion... once I'm so late, it really isn't worth it to get up s/t's...unfortunately, that's my natural mode of thinking and I have to fight it every day. It's something I gotta work on, for as you said, this goes beyond just our sleeping schedules- it's a matter of how we approach challenges, change and improvement...

Something Different said...

Great mashul! Better late than never, huh?
And I'm glad that you made it to work on time today...maybe you should go to sleep earlier next time. :-P

הצעיר שלמה בן רפאל לבית שריקי ס"ט said...

Whoah, that's actually a pretty good mashal. Thanks.

itsagift said...

Great mashal! Thanks for this it says, "ooroo yesheinim mishenaschem..." in Elul, we are supposed to wake up from our slumber - perfect timing for a perfect mashal!

lvnsm said...

I sometimes do that with college HW. I wait until it's close to the due date and then do it. Although it would be better to do it earlier when I have more time and can do a better job.

I agree about teshuva that we should not be discouraged but be aware that we still have a chance to do it.

thinking out loud said...

Freeda - we all snooze the alarm clock once in a while, but we can't let ourselves live life that way

SD - thx. i sometimes wonder what it is that keeps me up so late...

הצעיר - thanx.

IAG - to be honest, I didn't even think of that, so thanks for pointing it out!

Lv - of course it'd be better if we didn't procrastinate, but then it'd be even better if we didnt do the wrong thing in the first place.
the main thing to remember is that we can always do tshuvah