August 7, 2009

Limited Bitachon?

Thank you - you know who you are - for sending me this great mashal.

There was once a magician called "The Great Farini", and one day he strung a rope across niagra falls, waited for a crowd to surround him, climbed up and before he walked across he turned to the crowd and said "I am the great farni",
and they replied "you are the great farini".
"I am the greatest"
"You are the greatest"
"Do you believe i could walk back and forth across this rope?"
There were scattered replies of belief.
With that he turned and walked back and forth.
When he came back, he took out a blindfold and said to them again
"I am the great farini",
and they replied "You are the great farini"
"I am the greatest"
"You are the greatest"
"Do you believe i could walk back and forth across this rope blindfolded?"
"Yes! we believe!" they chanted.
Once again he walked back and forth, this time blindfolded.
When he came back, his assistant pulled out a unicycle, and once again he called out to the growing crowd
"I am the great farini",
and they replied "you are the great farini"
"I am the greatest"
"You are the greatest"
"Do you believe i could cycle back and forth across this rope?"
"Yes! we believe!" they chanted.
And across he went. And proceeded to do the same again blindfolded.
When he came back, he took out a wheelbarrow, and turned to the cheering multitudes
"I am the great farini",
And in unison they replied "You are the great farini!"
"I am the greatest"
"You are the greatest!"
"Do you believe i could walk back and forth across this rope pushing a wheelbarrow?"
"Yes! we believe!" they chanted.
"Who's getting in?"

G-d proves His totality, His strength, His might and His goodness daily, and we praise Him all the time through Pesukei Dezimrah, Hallel and such.
G-d says look, come in the wheelbarrow i will carry you across and you will be safe.
But we don't let ourselves trust Him!
We get nervous. We worry about shidduchim - how will we be able to find our shidduch? and when will it happen? and we worry about money - the economy is so bad!
But we should really just trust Him and let ourselves ride the wheelbarrow to the other side. We must not worry for the very same G-d that we are praising is going to help us with everything.


heehee said...

:-) great mashal! Whoever it was who thought of it, Good Job!! :-D

Freeda said...

I love this mashal! Sometimes we aen't asked to get into the wheelbarrow, He places us there agaist our will and we're scared for our lives, but then we look and see that we're fine, and by default- we believe, for we see that He'll never let us fall

itsagift said...

It's a great mashal!
But it continues...
Finally, someone agreed to go into the wheelbarrow. (Crazy guy!) The tightrope walker proceeded to walk across the tightrope. Suddenly, the rope shook and the wheelbarrow was about to fall off and into the falls, along with the person who was inside. The tightrope walker screamed to the person, "Let go of the wheelbarrow and grab onto me! It's the only way you can save your life!"
And so the guy let go of the wheelbarrow, which fell into the crashing falls, held onto the tightrope walker (for his dear life, let me add!) and the tightrope walker made it all the way across, all the while holding onto the other guy.
That's the rest of the mashal. Let's see what nimshal you can come up with!

thinking out loud said...

heehee - ill give it over :D

freeda - thats really true, good point.

IAG - I'll take the challenge....
We decide not to worry, and let Hashem run our lives. But times get tough. One doesn't get engaged right away, another can not make ends meet, and others don't have children... and we might let ourselves forget that He's in charge, we might fall in despair, or just give up hope. but no. we instead grab onto His hand, we daven, say tehilim, take things upon ourselves.... and He takes us across safely. It can be a long trip, but He always gets us there...

Freeda said...

hmm.. the wheel barrow is life. We all say, we trust in Him, everything He doest is good, but we don't want to be tested. Well, we're put into that wheelbarrow, and we get so attached to the wheelbarrow, so secure that we forget Who's pushing it, so He lets it shake 'till we're forced to call out to Him to pick us up and carry us through. Our life seems to be falling apart (wheelbarrow falling down) but as long as we place ourselves in His arms, we're secure